In the Sales screen, you can manage your invoices, debit memos and credit memos for products and services that you provide to your customers, select CAE pending sales to request authorization by batch, and see both outstanding and paid sales information.To open the Sales screen, click Sales in the navigation panel.
- Add sales.
See a customer's outstanding and past balances.
Note: You can see the total past due and outstanding balances for all invoices in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- See paid invoices.
- Request authorization of CAE pending sales by batch.
- Send links to customers for Mercado Pago payments.
- See the status (active or expired) of customers' Mercado Pago payment links.
- Send invoices.
- Apply payments.
- Apply credit memos to existing registered invoices or eInvoices.
- See credit memos.
- Download electronic credit memo forms.
- Filter invoices by date; status (outstanding, paid, or past due); type (electronic or manual), and sale point.
The availability of some or all of these features depends on your OnBalance contract and/or configuration.