Transfer third-party checks

You can transfer third-party checks to your financial accounts as a deposit to your savings or checking account and for cash.

Transaction screen

  1. In the Transactions screen, click New Transaction.
  2. Click Other Movements.
  3. Enter the information.
  4. In the Transferred from field, select Third-party check.
  5. Mark the checkbox for the third-party check that you want to transfer.
  6. Click Accept in the in portfolio list.
  7. Optional: To transfer multiple third-party checks, click Add Line under the Transferred from field.
  8. Click Save & New to enter another transfer, or click Save & Close to close the screen.

Third Party Checks screen

  1. In the Transactions screen, click Manage > Checks.
  2. Click Third Party Checks.
  3. Click Make Transfer for the third-party check that you want to transfer.

    Note: If you want to transfer multiple third-party checks, mark the checkboxes for the third-party checks, and click Make Transfer.

  4. Enter the information.
  5. Click Save & Close.