Tax reports

You can view and download reports to help you track tax compliance requirements.

Note: The tax reports that you can view depend on whether you are a VAT registered company or a simple tax payer or exempt company. For more information about the reports that are available, see Reports.

You can filter the reports by period.

You can also download reports.

Company type Report Description
VAT registered company VAT book bills Provides a chronological monthly report of bills and a summary of fiscal credit, restitutions, and special regimes.
VAT registered company VAT book sales Provides a chronological monthly report of sales and a summary of fiscal debit, restitutions, and special regimes.
VAT registered company VAT tax return Provides useful information for your VAT Tax Return preparation, including VAT debits and credits and the VAT return.
VAT registered company SICORE Opens a TXT file of perceptions and withholdings that you can download. You can then import the information to the AFIP SIAP application.
VAT registered company Withholdings and perceptions Provides a chronological monthly report of withholdings and perceptions made.
VAT registered company RG 3685 Opens a TXT file of sales and bills that you can download. You can then import the information to the AFIP SIAP application.
VAT registered company Annual expenses by category Shows the financial expenses for each month, the category of each expense, and the total of each expense by category.
Simple tax payer company / Exempt company Quarterly report and monthly sales Lists total amount of sales, total amount of paid rents, the five customers who generate the greatest amount of sales, the five vendors who generate the greatest amount of expense, total amount of sales by month by point of sale, and total amount of sales by month by customer province.

The availability of some or all of these features depends on your OnBalance contract and/or configuration.